Contact Us

We are Here to Help
Thank you for your interest in The Bay Area Furniture Bank. Below are answers to some common questions. If you don’t see your answer, please feel free to call us at (650) 969-2100 or contact us by email at
Mailing address and hours of operation
Bay Area Furniture Bank’s Mailing Address is:
P.O. Box 61042
Sunnyvale, CA 94089
Our Hours of Operation:
8:00am to 4:00pm M-F
What is a furniture bank?
Furniture Banks are registered charities, not-for-profit organizations or social enterprises designed to provide gently used household furnishings to individuals and families in need, at little or no cost. Working with a network of community social services, agencies ensures that the right people get access to the furniture.
Are my donations tax deductible?
Yes, your items may be tax deductible. If you plan to itemize your tax deductions, please keep your BAFB receipt and consult your tax professional. Additionally, many charities such as Goodwill offer prices on commonly donated items like clothing and furnishings for estimating the value of the donation.